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The following is a list of selected recent publications of our team:

  • Andrews G Jand Rishworth,A. (2023) New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: more-than-human and more-than-representational elements, processes and registers of wellbeing Wellbeing, Space and Society
  • Andrews G J(2023) Geography, health and wellbeing: a close relationship, from past times to COVID-19 Geography Review (Spring Issue)
  • Andrews, G. J.,& Rishworth, A. (2023). New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: key questions of the posthumanist turn. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 100130.
  • Barbosa, A., Ferreira, A. R., Smits, C., Hegerath, F. M., Vollmar, H., Fernandes, L., Innes, A.,… & Øksnebjerg, L. (2023). Use and uptake of technology by people with dementia and their supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aging & Mental Health, 1-12.
  • Dalmer, N., & Griffin, M. (2023). Older adults, public libraries, and sustainable development goals. In K.C. Williams & B. Mehra (Eds.), How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century, Emerald Publishing.
  • Dalmer, N. K., Sawchuk, D., & Ly, M. (2023). ” I felt there was a big chunk taken out of my life”: COVID-19 and older adults’ library-based magazine leisure reading. Leisure Studies, 42(1), 118-132.
  • Dupuis, C., & Nakamura, N. (2023). Ageing and Feminist Political Ecology. In Contours of Feminist Political Ecology (pp. 105-127). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Higgins, R., Spacey, A. and Innes, A. (2023) Optimising care and the patient experience for people living with dementia: The perceptions of radiography practitioners. Radiography DOI: 1016/j.radi.2023.01.016
  • Kalu, M., Dal Bello-Haas, V., Griffin, M., Boamah, S., Harris, J., Zaide, M., Rayner, D., Khattab, N., & Abrahim, S. (2023). A scoping review of personal, financial and environmental determinants of mobility among older adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation [Ahead of print:
  • Ojembe, B., Kapiriri, L., Griffin, M., & Fudge Schormans, A. (2023). Narrative analysis of exclusion from social participation and loneliness among Black older adults. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. [latest articles: DOI:10.1080/15313204.2023.2211784]
  • Scerri, A., Innes, A., & Scerri, C. (2023). Healthcare professionals’ perceived challenges and solutions when providing rehabilitation to persons living with dementia—A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
  • Serantes, Lucia Cedeira; Dalmer, N. K. (2023) : Aging in/with Comics. Processes of Selection and Reflection. In: Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung #9.S.76–85. serantes/dalmer. 15.03.2023.
  • Andrews G J, Duff C, Woodward, K, Gorman R (2022) Speed and space: rates of motion in health and wellbeing. Wellbeing, Space & Society 2, 1 1-11
  • Andrews G Jand Duff C (2022) Opening out ageing: on the entropy of all things Transactions Institute British Geographers 47, 3, 666-681
  • Andrews G J(2022) ‘All-world aging’: a gero of all things under the material press in time. The Canadian Geographer  66(1), 52-59
  • Dalmer, N.K., & Griffin, M. (2022). “Still open and here for you”: News media’s framing of Canadian public libraries during COVID-19. The Library Quarterly, 92(2), 129-150.
  • Dalmer, N. K. & Cedeira Serantes, L. (2022). Imag(in)ing aging futures in comics and graphic novels. In V. Ylanne (Ed.), Ageing and the media: International perspectives (pp. 133-156). Policy Press.
  • Dalmer, N. K. & Mitrovica, B. (2022). The public library as social infrastructure for older patrons: Exploring the implications of online library programming for older adults during COVID-19. Library and Information Science Research, 44(3).
  • Dalmer, N. K. & Marshall, B. L. (2022). The role of information in later life sexuality: An invitation for further exploration. The Gerontologist.
  • Dalmer, N. K., Ellison, K. L., Katz, S., & Marshall, B. L. (2022). Ageing, embodiment and datafication: Dynamics of power in digital health and care technologies. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 15(2). (Special Issue: “Ageing with digital technologies: From theory to agency and practice”)
  • Gorman R and Andrews G J(2022) What role for more-than-representational, more-than-human inquiry in Rosenberg M, Lovell, S and Coen S Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography. Routledge
  • Griffin, M, Harvey, K, Gillett, JAndrews, G.(2022) Writing as/about leisure: Connecting with oneself and others through creative practice Leisure Sciences 44, 7, 862-880
  • Griffin, M., Bailey, A., & Lopez, K. (2022). #BodyPositive? A critical exploration of the body positive movement within physical cultures taking an intersectionality approach. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: The History, Culture and Sociology of Sports, 10 October.
  • Griffin, M., & Harvey, K. (2022). Re/composing memories: Aging, emotion, and autobiographical memory. The International Journal of Reminiscence & Life Review, 9(1), 9-
  • Higgins, R., Spacey, A. and Innes, A. (2022) Providing care to people living with dementia: the views of diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers. Synergy. JULY 2022 ISSN 1741-4245, SOR.ORG
  • Innes, A., O’Doherty, J. and Rochford-Brennan, H (2022) Early onset dementia in Austin, R., Coaten, R. and Hopfenbeck, M. (eds)The practical handbook of dementia. Monmouth: PCCS Books pg73-80
  • Innes, A., Morris, L., Wyatt, M. & McEvoy, P. (2022) Communication skills training for family caregivers of people living with dementia: the experiences of peer facilitators and course attendees, Educational Gerontology, 48:3, 103- 113, DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2021.2018961
  • Kalu, M.E., Dal Bello-Haas, V., Griffin, M., Boamah, S., Harris, J., Zaide, M., Rayner, D., Khattab, N., Bhatt, V., Goodin, C. & Smal, J. (2022). Physical mobility determinants among older adults: A scoping review of self-reported and performance-based measures. European Journal of Physiotherapy [Ahead of print, pp.1-18]. doi:
  • Kalu, M.E., Dal Bello-Haas, V., Griffin, M., Boamah, S., Harris, J., Zaide, M., Rayner, D., Khattab, N., Abrahim, S., Richardson, T., Savaterri, N., Wang, Y., & Tkachyk, C. (2022). Cognitive, psychological and social factors associated with older adults’ mobility: a scoping review of self-report and performance-based measures. Psychogeriatrics, 22(4), 553-573.
  • Kelly, S., Bushell, S., and Innes, A. (2022) ‘I want every minute to be worthwhile now’: The views and experiences of people living with dementia and their care partners about returning to in-person group meetings after COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Dementia. doi:10.1177/14713012221118768
  • Marshall, B. L., Dalmer, N. K., Katz, S., Loos, E., Lopez-Gomez, D., & Peine, A. (2022). Digitization of aging in place: An international policy comparison of the value-framing of new technologies. Societies, 12,2
  • Andrews, G. J., Crooks, V. A., Pearce, J., & Messina, J. P. (Eds.). (2021). COVID-19 and similar futures: Pandemic geographies. London, UK: Springer.
  • Andrews, G. J., Rowland, E., & Peter, E. (2021). Place and professional practice: the geographies in healthcare work. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Andrews, G. J. (2021). Bios and arrows: On time in health geographies. Geography Compass15(4), e12559.
  • Andrews, G. J., Rowland, E., Peter, E., Andrews, G. J., Rowland, E., & Peter, E. (2021). Towards a Research Agenda That Progresses Key Debates: Example I—Unpacking More-Than-Human Assemblages of Person-Centred Care. Place and Professional Practice: The Geographies in Healthcare Work, 135-154.
  • Andrews, G. J., Rowland, E., Peter, E., Andrews, G. J., Rowland, E., & Peter, E. (2021). Towards a Research Agenda That Progresses Key Debates: Example II—Animating Emerging ‘Skilling Space’. Place and Professional Practice: The Geographies in Healthcare Work, 155-178.
  • Baluk, K. W., Griffin, M., & Gillett, J. (2021). Mitigating the challenges and capitalizing on opportunities: a qualitative investigation of the public library’s response to an aging population. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement40(3), 475-488.
  • Dalmer, N. K. (2021). Mapping Ruling Relations: Advancing the Use of Visual Methods in Institutional Ethnography. The Palgrave Handbook of Institutional Ethnography, 81-97.
  • Dalmer, N., & Griffin, M. (2021, May). “We’re Still Open”: Canadian News Media’s Framing of Canadian Public Libraries’ Covid-19 Responses. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrès annuel de l’ACSI.
  • Fischer, B., Östlund, B., Dalmer, N. K., Rosales, A., Peine, A., Loos, E., … & Marshall, B. (2021). Co-design as learning: the differences of learning when involving older people in digitalization in four countries. Societies11(2), 66.
  • Phillips, D. R., & Andrews, G. J. (2021). Death, Devastation, and Failure in Long-Term Care: The Need for a Geographical Reengagement with the Sector. In COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies (pp. 233-240). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Featured Members

Head shot image of Anthea Innes, Director of Gilbrea

Anthea Innes

Professor, Director of the Gilbrea Centre, Gilbrea Chair in Aging and Mental Health, Theme Lead: Dementia and Social Inclusion

Gavin Andrews

Professor, Health, Aging and Society

Meredith Griffin Headshot

Meridith Griffin

Associate Professor, Theme Lead: Embodiment, Wellbeing and Aging

Nicole Dalmer

Assistant Professor, Gilbrea Centre Associate Director, Theme Lead: Connecting in Later Life

Constance Dupuis

Constance Dupuis

Postdoctoral Fellow