Date(s) - 13/09/2023 - 30/11/2023 All Day
The study involves one interview that will take around 45 minutes. The interviews can be done either in-person (ifin the Hamilton or Niagara region), on Zoom or by telephone. You can choose whichever mode works best for you. If you choose to do the interview in person, we will find a convenient private space to meet (such as a library). As the study involves an interview, I will be taking an audio-recording of the conversation. Before the interview begins, I will go through consent and if you would like to proceed, you will give oral consent to
participate in the interview and have the data used in my research. During the interview you may be asked questions about your own experiences, such as “do you feel there is pressure to look young as an aging woman? If so, in what way?” or “when did you first start feeling said pressure”. I am also going to ask you questions about related experiences, including the advertisements targeted at older women and the beauty industry. You do not need to have any background knowledge on marketing or industries, as I am looking for your personal experiences and knowledge. I will also ask you for some demographic/background information like your age and education.
If interested in getting involved please contact Rachel Mathew: