“Agency of Older Adults in the Food Justice Movement” Seminar by Andrew Sweetnam
Oct 3, 2023
2:30PM to 3:30PM
Date(s) - 03/10/2023
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Hybrid Seminar (LRW 1003 Community Room and Via Zoom)
This seminar is co-hosted with the Department of Health, Aging and Society
Register here: https://bit.ly/3Pl45yJ
Andrew is currently a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Health, Aging & Society. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Kinesiology with a specialization in Biomechanics. After applying his research knowledge in community settings, he discovered the cultural significance and importance of food to health and well-being. Andrew’s doctoral research looks to examine the contribution of the lived experience of older adults facing food insecurity in advancing social change and informing policy development at the intersection of age, food and well-being.
This research project aims to provide evidence-based recommendations to build the agency and engagement of older adults within the context of the food justice movement, which currently overlooks age-related concerns. Using a qualitative case study design, this research is aimed at better understanding the perspectives of older adults who are experiencing rising rates of food insecurity. The study findings will be used to inform programs and policies emerging from the food justice movement, thereby empowering older adults and providing opportunities for greater agency. Working collaboratively with community food organizations who are well positioned to act as a lever in the democratizing of food, this work will help to advocate for improved quality of care for older adults by working towards food justice for all.
All seminars will be held via zoom, with the option to attend an in-person viewing session live in L.R.Wilson Hall, Room 1003 at the McMaster Campus. If zoom is new to you, check out our Zoom Guide here: GilbreaZoomTutorial